Abaxis covers more than 90% of the general chemical analyzes commonly used in medical and veterinary diagnostics.

VETSCAN® HM5 – Hematology Analyzer

The VETSCAN HM5 is a fully automated five-species differential hematology analyzer, displays up to 22-parameter complete blood count (CBC) with 4 cell histograms on an easy-to-read touch screen, provides results in 4 minutes, stores 5,000 records , requires as little as a 50ul whole blood sample, with no need for centrifugation, its superior performance, elegant design, ease of use, true database manageability, and minimal maintenance make it the optimal hematology system for veterinary clinics, research laboratories and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.

VETSCAN® HM5 - Analizador de Hematología

Features and benefits

Five-part differential in cats, dogs, horses, cows, alpacas, and llamas; three parts in 11 other species. 
22 parameters, including direct eosinophil counts and eosinophil percentage. 
Provides complementary CBC analysis for even allergic and parasitic cases. 
Three to four minutes for results. 
Fast response for each sample – Run nearly 20 samples per hour in 5-part mode. 
Small, elegant, and space-saving design. 
Integrated advanced self-cleaning system. 
Minimal maintenance made easy by software reminders and step-by-step instructions. 
On-screen patient results easy patient monitoring over time. 

Product inquiries
