ASA laser is the international benchmark in laser therapy and magnetotherapy for non-invasive and painless therapy and rehabilitation.
About Asa Laser
MLS® Laser Therapy (Multiwave Locked System) is born from ASA’s scientific research to overcome the limits of traditional laser therapy and at the same time take advantage of low and high power through a patented quality impulse.
The MLS® impulse is based on two combined and synchronized emissions: one is assimilable, in terms of power, to LLLT (Low Intensity Laser Therapy), while the other has the typical characteristics of High Power.
MLS® Laser Therapy favors the overcoming of the painful symptom – typical of the pathologies of the musculoskeletal apparatus – and represents a valid rehabilitation instrument since it effectively promotes the recovery of the functionality compromised by traumas, excessive use or surgical interventions.
ASAlaser is the international benchmark in laser therapy and magnetotherapy for non-invasive and painless therapy and rehabilitation, including treatment of pain -both muscular and joint- in veterinary medicine.